Entry Points
TIEXPORT1 int TICALL ticables_library_init(void) |
Return value : |
the instance count.
Return value : |
the instance count.
TIEXPORT1 const char *TICALL ticables_version_get(void) |
Return value : |
a string.
TIEXPORT1 CableHandle* TICALL ticables_handle_new(CableModel model, CablePort port) |
model : |
a cable model
port : |
the generic port on which cable is attached.
Return value : |
NULL if error, an handle otherwise.
TIEXPORT1 int TICALL ticables_handle_del(CableHandle* handle) |
handle : |
the handle
Return value : |
always 0.
TIEXPORT1 int TICALL ticables_options_set_timeout(CableHandle* handle, int timeout) |
handle : |
the handle
timeout : |
timeout value in tenth of seconds
Return value : |
the previous timeout.
TIEXPORT1 int TICALL ticables_options_set_delay(CableHandle* handle, int delay) |
handle : |
the handle
delay : |
delay in micro-seconds
Return value : |
the previous delay.
TIEXPORT1 CableModel TICALL ticables_get_model(CableHandle* handle) |
handle : |
the handle
Return value : |
the previous #CableModel value.
TIEXPORT1 CablePort TICALL ticables_get_port(CableHandle* handle) |
handle : |
the handle
Return value : |
a #CablePort value.
TIEXPORT1 int TICALL ticables_handle_show(CableHandle* handle) |
handle : |
the handle
Return value : |
always 0.