Clock support


TIEXPORT3 const char *TICALL ticalcs_clock_format2date(CalcModel model, int value)

Convert a format type into a format string. Example: 1 -> "MM/DD/YY"

model :
a calculator model
value :
a format type
Return value :
a format string.


TIEXPORT3 int TICALL ticalcs_clock_date2format(CalcModel model, const char *format)

Convert a format string into a format type. Example: "MM/DD/YY" -> 1

model :
a calculator model
format :
a format string
Return value :
a format string.


TIEXPORT3 int TICALL ticalcs_clock_show(CalcModel model, CalcClock* s)

Display to stdout the content of the structure.

model :
calc model
clock :
a #CalcClock structure
Return value :
always 0.

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