Directory listing management


TIEXPORT3 void TICALL ticalcs_dirlist_destroy(GNode** tree)

Destroy the whole tree create by #ticalcs_calc_get_dirlist.

tree :
the tree to destroy.
Return value :


TIEXPORT3 void TICALL ticalcs_dirlist_display(GNode* tree)

Display to stdout the tree content formatted in a tab.

tree :
the tree to display.
Return value :


TIEXPORT3 VarEntry *TICALL ticalcs_dirlist_ve_exist(GNode* tree, VarEntry *s)

Parse the tree for the given varname & folder or appname.

tree :
the tree to parse.
s :
the full name of the variable or application to search for.
Return value :
a pointer on the #VarEntry found or NULL if not found.


TIEXPORT3 int TICALL ticalcs_dirlist_ve_count(GNode* tree)

Count how many entries (vars or apps) are listed in the tree.

tree :
a tree (var or app).
Return value :
the number of entries.


TIEXPORT3 int TICALL ticalcs_dirlist_ram_used(GNode* tree)

Count how much memory is used by variables listed in the tree.

tree :
a tree (var only).
Return value :
size of all variables in bytes.


TIEXPORT3 int TICALL ticalcs_dirlist_flash_used(GNode* vars, GNode* apps)

Count how much memory is used by archived variables and apps listed in the trees.

tree :
a tree (app only).
Return value :
size of all FLASH in bytes.


TIEXPORT3 void TICALL ticalcs_dirlist_ve_add(GNode* tree, VarEntry *entry)

Add an entry into the main tree (if it doesn't exist yet).

tree :
source tree.
entry :
entry to add.
Return value :


TIEXPORT3 void TICALL ticalcs_dirlist_ve_del(GNode* tree, VarEntry *entry)

Remove an entry into the main tree (if it doesn't exist yet).

tree :
source tree.
entry :
entry to remove.
Return value :

Return to the main index