TI8x/TI9x charset <=> UTF-16 conversion routines


TIEXPORT4 char* TICALL ticonv_utf16_to_ti9x(const unsigned short *utf16, char *ti)

UTF-16 to TI89,92,92+,V200,Titanium charset conversion.

utf16 :
null terminated string (input)
ti :
null terminated string (output)
Return value :
returns the destination pointer or NULL if error.


TIEXPORT4 unsigned short* TICALL ticonv_ti9x_to_utf16(const char *ti, unsigned short *utf16)

TI89,92,92+,V200,Titanium charset to UTF-16 conversion.

ti :
null terminated string (input)
utf16 :
null terminated string (output)
Return value :
returns the destination pointer or NULL if error.


TIEXPORT4 unsigned short* TICALL ticonv_ti73_to_utf16(const char *ti, unsigned short *utf16)

TI73 charset to UTF-16 conversion.

ti :
null terminated string (input)
utf16 :
null terminated string (output)
Return value :
returns the destination pointer or NULL if error.


TIEXPORT4 char* TICALL ticonv_utf16_to_ti73(const unsigned short *utf16, char *ti)

UTF-16 to TI73 charset conversion.

utf16 :
null terminated string (input)
ti :
null terminated string (output)
Return value :
returns the destination pointer or NULL if error.


TIEXPORT4 unsigned short* TICALL ticonv_ti82_to_utf16(const char *ti, unsigned short *utf16)

TI82 charset to UTF-16 conversion.

ti :
null terminated string (input)
utf16 :
null terminated string (output)
Return value :
returns the destination pointer or NULL if error.


TIEXPORT4 char* TICALL ticonv_utf16_to_ti82(const unsigned short *utf16, char *ti)

UTF-16 to TI82 charset conversion.

utf16 :
null terminated string (input)
ti :
null terminated string (output)
Return value :
returns the destination pointer or NULL if error.


TIEXPORT4 unsigned short* TICALL ticonv_ti83_to_utf16(const char *ti, unsigned short *utf16)

TI82 charset to UTF-16 conversion.

ti :
null terminated string (input)
utf16 :
null terminated string (output)
Return value :
returns the destination pointer or NULL if error.


TIEXPORT4 char* TICALL ticonv_utf16_to_ti83(const unsigned short *utf16, char *ti)

UTF-16 to TI83 charset conversion.

utf16 :
null terminated string (input)
ti :
null terminated string (output)
Return value :
returns the destination pointer or NULL if error.


TIEXPORT4 unsigned short* TICALL ticonv_ti83p_to_utf16(const char *ti, unsigned short *utf16)

TI83+ charset to UTF-16 conversion.

ti :
null terminated string (input)
utf16 :
null terminated string (output)
Return value :
returns the destination pointer or NULL if error.


TIEXPORT4 char* TICALL ticonv_utf16_to_ti83p(const unsigned short *utf16, char *ti)

UTF-16 to TI83+ charset conversion.

utf16 :
null terminated string (input)
ti :
null terminated string (output)
Return value :
returns the destination pointer or NULL if error.


TIEXPORT4 unsigned short* TICALL ticonv_ti85_to_utf16(const char *ti, unsigned short *utf16)

TI85 charset to UTF-16 conversion.

ti :
null terminated string (input)
utf16 :
null terminated string (output)
Return value :
returns the destination pointer or NULL if error.


TIEXPORT4 char* TICALL ticonv_utf16_to_ti85(const unsigned short *utf16, char *ti)

UTF-16 to TI85 charset conversion.

utf16 :
null terminated string (input)
ti :
null terminated string (output)
Return value :
returns the destination pointer or NULL if error.


TIEXPORT4 unsigned short* TICALL ticonv_ti86_to_utf16(const char *ti, unsigned short *utf16)

TI86 charset to UTF-16 conversion.

ti :
null terminated string (input)
utf16 :
null terminated string (output)
Return value :
returns the destination pointer or NULL if error.


TIEXPORT4 char* TICALL ticonv_utf16_to_ti86(const unsigned short *utf16, char *ti)

UTF-16 to TI86 charset conversion.

utf16 :
null terminated string (input)
ti :
null terminated string (output)
Return value :
returns the destination pointer or NULL if error.


TIEXPORT4 unsigned short* TICALL ticonv_ti84pusb_to_utf16(const char *ti, unsigned short *utf16)

TI84+/USB charset to UTF-16 conversion.

ti :
null terminated string (input)
utf16 :
null terminated string (output)
Return value :
returns the destination pointer or NULL if error.


TIEXPORT4 char* TICALL ticonv_utf16_to_ti84pusb(const unsigned short *utf16, char *ti)

UTF-16 to TI84+/USB charset conversion.

utf16 :
null terminated string (input)
ti :
null terminated string (output)
Return value :
returns the destination pointer or NULL if error.


TIEXPORT4 unsigned short* TICALL ticonv_ti89tusb_to_utf16(const char *ti, unsigned short *utf16)

Titanium/USB charset to UTF-16 conversion.

ti :
null terminated string (input)
utf16 :
null terminated string (output)
Return value :
returns the destination pointer or NULL if error.


TIEXPORT4 char* TICALL ticonv_utf16_to_ti89tusb(const unsigned short *utf16, char *ti)

UTF-16 to Titanium/USB charset conversion.

utf16 :
null terminated string (input)
ti :
null terminated string (output)
Return value :
returns the destination pointer or NULL if error.

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