File type checking


TIEXPORT2 const char *TICALL tifiles_fext_of_group (CalcModel model)

Returns file extension of a group file.

model :
a calculator model.
Return value :
a file extenstion as string (like "83g").


TIEXPORT2 const char *TICALL tifiles_fext_of_backup (CalcModel model)

Returns file extension of a backup file.

model :
a calculator model.
Return value :
a file extenstion as string (like "83b").


TIEXPORT2 const char *TICALL tifiles_fext_of_flash_app (CalcModel model)

Returns file extension of a FLASH application file.

model :
a calculator model.
Return value :
a file extenstion as string (like "89k").


TIEXPORT2 const char *TICALL tifiles_fext_of_flash_os(CalcModel model)

Returns file extension of a FLASH Operating System file.

model :
a calculator model.
Return value :
a file extenstion as string (like "89u").


TIEXPORT2 const char *TICALL tifiles_fext_of_certif(CalcModel model)

Returns file extension of certificate file.

model :
a calculator model.
Return value :
a file extenstion as string (like "89q").


TIEXPORT2 char *TICALL tifiles_fext_get(const char *filename)

Returns file extension part.

filename :
a filename as string.
Return value :
a file extension without dot as string (like "89g").


TIEXPORT2 char *TICALL tifiles_fext_dup(const char *filename)

Returns a copy of file extension part.

filename :
a filename as string.
Return value :
a file extension without dot as string (like "89g"). Need to be freed when no longer needed.


TIEXPORT2 int TICALL tifiles_file_is_ti(const char *filename)

Check whether file is a TI file by checking the signature.

filename :
a filename as string.
Return value :
a boolean value.


TIEXPORT2 int TICALL tifiles_file_is_single(const char *filename)

Check whether file is a single TI file (like program, function, ...).

filename :
a filename as string.
Return value :
a boolean value.


TIEXPORT2 int TICALL tifiles_file_is_group(const char *filename)

Check whether file is a group file.

filename :
a filename as string.
Return value :
a boolean value.


TIEXPORT2 int TICALL tifiles_file_is_regular(const char *filename)

Check whether file is a single or group file.

filename :
a filename as string.
Return value :
a boolean value.


TIEXPORT2 int TICALL tifiles_file_is_backup(const char *filename)

Check whether file is a backup file.

filename :
a filename as string.
Return value :
a boolean value.


TIEXPORT2 int TICALL tifiles_file_is_os(const char *filename)

Check whether file is a FLASH OS file (tib or XXu)

filename :
a filename as string.
Return value :
a boolean value.


TIEXPORT2 int TICALL tifiles_file_is_app(const char *filename)

Check whether file is a FLASH app file

filename :
a filename as string.
Return value :
a boolean value.


TIEXPORT2 int TICALL tifiles_file_is_flash(const char *filename)

Check whether file is a FLASH file (os or app).

filename :
a filename as string.
Return value :
a boolean value.


TIEXPORT2 int TICALL tifiles_file_is_tib(const char *filename)

Check whether file is a TIB formatted file.

filename :
a filename as string.
Return value :
a boolean value.


TIEXPORT2 int TICALL tifiles_file_is_tigroup(const char *filename)

Check whether file is a TiGroup formatted file.

filename :
a filename as string.
Return value :
a boolean value.


TIEXPORT2 int TICALL tifiles_file_test(const char *filename, FileClass type, CalcModel target)

Check whether #filename is a TI file of type #type useable on a #target model. This function is a generic one which overwrap and extends the tifiles_file_is_* functions.

filename :
a filename as string.
type :
type to check
target :
hand-held model or CALC_NONE for no filtering
Return value :
a boolean value.


TIEXPORT2 CalcModel TICALL tifiles_file_get_model(const char *filename)

Returns the calculator model targetted for this file.

filename :
a filename as string.
Return value :
a model taken in #CalcModel.


TIEXPORT2 FileClass TICALL tifiles_file_get_class(const char *filename)

Returns the file class (single, group, backup, flash).

filename :
a filename as string.
Return value :
a value in #FileClass.


TIEXPORT2 const char *TICALL tifiles_file_get_type(const char *filename)

Returns the type of file (function, program, ...).

filename :
a filename as string.
Return value :
a string like "Assembly Program" (localized).


TIEXPORT2 const char *TICALL tifiles_file_get_icon(const char *filename)

Returns the type of file (function, program, ...).

filename :
a filename as string.
Return value :
a string like "Assembly Program" (non localized).

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