

TIEXPORT2 int TICALL tifiles_calc_is_ti8x(CalcModel model)

Check whether %model is a TI73..TI86 calculator.

model :
a calculator model.
Return value :
a boolean value.


TIEXPORT2 int TICALL tifiles_calc_is_ti9x(CalcModel model)

Check whether %model is a TI89...V200PLT calculator.

model :
a calculator model.
Return value :
a boolean value.


TIEXPORT2 int TICALL tifiles_calc_are_compat(CalcModel model, CalcModel ref)

Check whether %model is compatible (in term of file types) with %ref. Example: a .92t can be sent to a TI92 (of course) as well as a TI89, 92+, V200 and a Titanium.

model :
a calculator model.
ref :
a calculator model.
Return value :
a boolean value.


TIEXPORT2 int TICALL tifiles_has_folder(CalcModel calc_type)

Returns TRUE if the calculator supports folders.

model :
a calculator model.
Return value :
a boolean value.


TIEXPORT2 int TICALL tifiles_is_flash(CalcModel calc_type)

Returns TRUE if the calculator model has FLASH technology.

model :
a calculator model.
Return value :
a boolean value.


TIEXPORT2 int TICALL tifiles_has_backup(CalcModel calc_type)

Returns TRUE if the calculator supports true backup.

model :
a calculator model.
Return value :
a boolean value.


TIEXPORT2 uint16_t TICALL tifiles_checksum(uint8_t * buffer, int size)

Compute the checksum of the array on 'size' bytes. Returns result as a word.

buffer :
an array of bytes.
size :
the length of the array.
Return value :
the ckecksum.


char *TICALL tifiles_get_varname(const char *full_name)

Returns the name of the variable.

full_name :
a calculator path such as 'fldname\varname'.
Return value :
varname as string. It should not be modified (static).


char *TICALL tifiles_get_fldname(const char *full_name)

Returns the folder within the variable is located..

full_name :
a calculator path such as 'fldname\varname'.
Return value :
folder name as string. It should not be modified (static).


char* TICALL tifiles_build_fullname(CalcModel model, char *full_name,

Build the complete path from folder name and variable name. Not all of calculators supports folder.

model :
a calculator model.
full_name :
the buffer where to store the result.
fldname :
the name of folder or "".
varname :
the name of variable
Return value :
a full path as string like 'fldname\varname'.


TIEXPORT2 char* TICALL tifiles_build_filename(CalcModel model, const VarEntry *ve)

Build a valid filename from folder name, variable name and variable type. Example: real number x on TI89 in the 'main' folder will give 'main.x.89e'. Note: this function is useable with FLASH apps, too (but you have to fill the #VarEntry structure yourself).

model :
a calculator model.
ve :
a #VarEntry structure.
Return value :
a newly allocated string which must be freed when no longer used.

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