This folder contains tools and guide-lines used for doing the various logs. 1°) My first method (with TI-GraphLink software) : DSP Starter Kit (DSK) Some offsets used by my DSK tools for storing data: - CblExpmt: 31000 - Conics (acf2b3e.8xk): 22000 - ProbSi83: 36000 ? - ChemBio: 23000 - TI83PlusOS114.8XU: 260000 2°) My second method (w/ TI-GraphLink software) : GrayLink + AVR Analyzer + RS232_log The AVR analyzer is a µC which realize a D-BUS/RS232 bridge at 57600 bauds. The RS232_log provides an hexdump log which can be processed with log2pkt.exe. Note: BlackLink seems to be too fast for analyzer. Long packets have lost bytes. 3°) My third method (with Ti-Connect software) : UsbSnoopy Use SnoopyPro to sniff USB packet and get an XML log. With SilverLink: use SnoopyPro; the XML log can be processed with xml2log and with log2pkt next. With DirectLink: use SniffUsb; the log file must be processed with snif2pkt. SniffUsb needs a reboot before use. 4°) When the hand-held is not available but the TI emulator is: - fastAVRlink/GrayLink on COM2 (TiLP) - DSK on the 'T' - GreyLink on COM1 (TI's SDK) At the time where I have added my analysis tools to the link guide, methods 2 & 3 were used. 5°) Since April 2007, I use another method: GrayLink + RS232_log I built a RS232 'T' made-up of 2 SUB-D 25 connectors and 1 SUB-D 9 connector. Both connectors are wired 1:1 and RxD & TxD signals are wired to the SUB-D 9 connector thru 2 silicon diodes (electrical OR). GrayLink is on COM1, RS232_log on COM2.